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myNapier HIS Support Center

If you're experiencing technical issues and need assistance, you're in the right place. Please use the form below to submit a support ticket, and our dedicated helpdesk team will promptly address your concerns.

How to Request Support?

  1. Fill out the Form - Complete the form with accurate information about the issue you're facing. Include details such as the nature of the problem, any error messages you've encountered, and the specific steps that led to the issue.
  2. Contact Information -  Provide a valid email address so we can keep you updated on the progress of your support request. This will be our primary means of communication.
  3. Ticket Submission -  Once you've filled out the form, click the "Submit" button to send your support ticket to our helpdesk. A unique ticket number will be assigned to your request, which you can use for reference in any future communications.

Thank you for choosing MyNapier HIS Support. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to resolve your technical concerns. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out through this platform.

MyNapier HIS Support Team

myNapier HIS Support Form

Technical Assistance

Module Name   
Attachment   Attach files
Each of your file(s) can be up to 20MB in size.

Important Notes:

  • Our support team will strive to respond to your request as quickly as possible.
  • Be sure to check your email, including spam or junk folders, for updates on your support ticket.
  • Please refrain from submitting multiple tickets for the same issue, as this may delay the resolution process.