
Start your FREE myNapier Community Trial Edition

Our myNapier HIS Community Trial Edition is designed to meet the most essential requirements for smaller clinics and hospitals. Provides easiest way for users to access and operate it that it doesn't require any training. You can begin using this preconfigured bundle for up to Five (5) users once you have signed up for it.

No credit card required

No software to install

No training required

With your trial, you get:

OP, DW and IDT modules to use

Pre-configured standard reports, dashboards and processes

Access to Online guide

Support services

Just provide all of the required information in the form, read and agree to our Terms of Service including our Privacy Policies, and click Submit. Shortly after signing up, please check your email inbox for our automated "New Sign-up Confirmation" email. Allow us to process your registration and share your Access Credentials through email within 1 (ONE) working day that contains further instructions, login credentials, and additional details about the trial access.
Important Notes:
  • Our Registration Administrative team will strive to respond to your application as quickly as possible.
  • Be sure to check your email, including spam or junk folders, for updates on your registration request.
  • Please refrain from submitting multiple registration requests, as this may delay the registration process.

Thank you for choosing myNapier Community Trial Edition. We believe that managing your business would be much easier than before through our seamless healthcare solutions experience. 

Napier, Your Trusted Partner in Your Healthcare Journey.

Get Your Free Trial Today

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I agree to the Napier Healthcare Solutions Terms of Service. By registering, you also confirm to agree on data storing and processing by Napier Healthcare Solutions as described in the Privacy Policy.